There is a chlorine shortage crisis, but it’s a great time to be a hot tub or pool owner! The summer heat is here, and with it comes the temptation to dive into your swimming pool and cool off. As the summer passes, you’ll use your hot tub much more frequently. However, what if you don’t want to use chemicals like chlorine or bromine in order to keep your water clean? What if you’re worried about the effects of those chemicals on yourself and your family? Well, there’s no need to worry. There are several alternatives available that will help keep your pool clean without using expensive chemicals. One option is Ozone treatment:
What has caused the chlorine shortage crisis?
The chlorine shortage crisis is not a simple supply-and-demand problem, but rather a complex issue that involves multiple factors. In addition to the underlying causes listed above, there is also some confusion over what exactly constitutes “chlorine.”
There are two different types of chlorine: gaseous and liquid. Gaseous chlorine (Cl2) is produced by the electrolysis of brine or seawater through an electrolytic cell. Liquid chlorine (Cl2HCL) is produced by passing hydrogen chloride gas into a solution of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), which produces NaOH and HCL. Both gaseous and liquid chlorines are used as disinfectants in water treatment facilities around the world every day; however, neither one will do much good on its own when it comes to purifying water sources—they must be mixed together before use.
What are some alternatives to chlorine, bromine and salt water?
If you are looking for a natural alternative to chlorine, bromine and salt water pools, consider buying an Aero-Spa high output ozone generator!
Ozone is also called a “natural oxidizer” because it oxidizes particles in the water by breaking them down into their smallest parts. Unlike other water purification systems that produce chlorine byproducts such as chloramines and hydrogen peroxide which can irritate your eyes and lungs, ozone leaves no chemical residue in your pool. Ozone is also used in hospitals because it doesn’t irritate your lungs like chlorine does!
There really is now downside of an Aero-Spa ozone system. They cost around $700 and will displace about $300-$400 of chemical purchases a year. You will also spend several hours each month adding chemicals and trying to balance the water. When it becomes impossible to balance the water it will need to be drained. Most hot tubs need to be drained 3 – 4 times per year. Each draining and cleaning will take the better part of a day. However, if you install an Aero-Spa, the water will always be stable and will not need to be drained regularly. Ozone leaves no harmful side effects behind afterwards either. The other benefit is that you don’t need to worry about the chlorine shortage crisis!
Why Ozone?
But the most important reason to use ozone is that it’s a naturally occurring disinfectant. You know how when you go outside on a hot sunny day, and there’s this wonderful smell in the air? That’s ozone! It’s created as a natural by-product of sunlight.
Ozone is also an antioxidant, an oxidizer and a sanitizer. In fact, one of the reasons we have ozone pollution problems is that our bodies produce more than enough of it while trying to protect us from bacteria and other microorganisms (which are constantly trying to get into our bodies through our skin).
You can have a healthy hot tub without using expensive chemicals.
You can have a healthy hot tub or swimming pool without using expensive chemicals.
Ozone is a very effective sanitizer, natural oxidizer and disinfectant. Ozone is also a natural oxidizing agent and oxidant.
Ozone is a safe and effective way to sanitize your hot tub or swimming pool. It’s easy to set up and maintain and doesn’t require any chemicals or other special equipment. In fact, many people are surprised when they find out how much cheaper it is than using chlorine or bromine!
The Aero-Spa is a high output, low maintenance ozone generator that virtually eliminates the need for chlorine or bromine. Our ozone generator generates ten times more ozone than the hot tub factory’s portable ozone generator and uses less electricity. After installation of the Aero-Spa, ozone is the primary sanitizer. With the addition of small amounts of chlorine to keep the free chlorine level at about 2 parts per million (PPM), our spa maintains its sparkling clarity and fresh smell without turning green or smelling musty!