Spa Chemicals: Chlorine & Bromine
Bromine and chlorine are the most common chemicals used in spa maintenance. These elements are both halogens, a family of elements in the periodic table known for being highly reactive. They are effective sanitizers as long as they do not form chloramines and bromamines (combinations of chlorine and bromine with ammonia molecules).
Once these chloramine and bromamine compounds form, the ability of the chlorine and bromine elements to oxidize or sanitize the water is greatly reduced and, as a result, more chlorine or bromine must be added to ensure sanitary conditions exist in the water. Note: in the case of chloramines, this compound produces the “chlorine odor” even though it has limited sanitizing capability.
The pH level of spa water can also play a role in how effective chlorine and bromine are as sanitizers. In general, higher pH values adversely affect chlorine and bromine sanitizing capabilities. As a result, it is important for spa owners to take the time and regularly monitor this attribute.
When you use ozone as your primary spa water treatment routine, two huge benefits are realized when you use supplemental chlorine and bromine. First, ozone will oxidize the ammonia in chloramines and bromamines, freeing up chlorine and bromine to more effectively sanitize the water. This means that less time will be spent adding supplemental chlorine and bromine to your spa, saving money!
Second, ozone is pH neutral, unlike other chemical additives, so less time and money is spent on adjusting the spa water’s pH level and the environment is optimum for the free chlorine and bromine to sanitize.
How much chlorine or bromine do you use on a regular basis? How often do you measure the amount of chlorine or bromine in the water? How many different people use your spa each week or month?